Waiting for Santa!
In my life I have always been so lucky to find such good friends. Honestly, I am almost 40 and I think back about all of the people that have touched my life over the years and I know that someone is watching over me and providing me with the support I need at the exact time I need it. Some may disagree with me, because there are a lot of people out there that think that the best friends are "lifelong" friends. However; I think that the best friends are friends that come into your life at the exact time you need them and they serve a particular purpose! They don't have to stay forever, all though some do - Debbie Smebby, but it's not a bad thing if they don't.
When I think back, aside from Debbie - the first girlfriend that i really connected with was Jen, and I think that we were brought together for a reason because without each other, surviving the deaths of Dad and Matt would have been unbearable. Then there was Britt, and without her and that period of being "free" I would have never ended up as happy as I am today. And then Lynnette... Wow! I can't imagine what those years would have been like without PNut! And then, right when i needed it, Emily was there for me. At the second hardest time of loss that I have ever experienced - she swooped in and put me under her wing and took care of me. And then Jen came along and when there are days that I feel like I am sinking, I call her because she is the life saver I need. And it's not just girls that have blessed my life. I can't imagine life without Scottie, Jerry, Moyo and Bernie. They all play completely different - but equally important roles in the theater production known as "My Life."
So as I sit here writting this, feeling quite sentimental, I am drowsy. Drowsy because last night I couldn't sleep. It was as if I was 10 years old again and it was Christmas Eve and I knew that the next day would be filled with fun and laughter and love (and presents!) But it's not Santa that I am waiting for, it's Jen... She better fucking bring me a present!!!