JB's Deep Thoughts...

Ok, maybe they are not so deep but they are mine.

Thursday, July 19, 2007


Today is the day - finally.... As a matter of fact, the movers are moving stuff as I type. I am literally sitting in the middle of the room on my laptop while three of the nicest (and pretty easy on the eyes) boys pack up my stuff and haul it out. THIS is what moving should be like! Not all the BS that I have gone through all week! It really has been an emotional week and I am sure that it's not over yet. So - In this crazy state of mind I was just thinking about some of the things that I love and will desperately miss...

  • Emily - I will SO miss you and the way you call last minute and tell me you are outside my house and we are going tanning, to the Rack, Paradise Cafe or Fred Smiths. I will talk to you daily but miss your facial expressions. We need to invest in a web cam. YOU have been my rock for the last year and I do believe that you are my greatest fan (maybe my only fan actually!)

  • Christoball and Hoggie - My boys!

  • Deb - Of course I will miss you even though I never see you! The point of the matter is, I always know that I can see you if I need to, it's just that now it will be a little harder. No more tears Monkey!

  • I will miss the Jade Market and Rosie at the Deli. How nice is it to walk downstairs to get a DP when I really need one.

  • The Movie Theaters at Gateway. Even though Larry Miller can suck my back, I LOVE having the movie theater across the street from my house. No fussing with driving and parking.... ahh...

  • The most beautiful mountains and valley! WOW! Too bad I can't take the scenery with me and leave all the damn people (you know what I am talking about) behind.

  • The Church Bells at the Greek Orthodox Church. I love how they ring every hour on the hour and on Sunday they ring.... well..... when do they ring on Sunday??? I have never figured out the Sunday pattern but they are beautiful anyway.

  • Knowing my way around like the back of my hand. This - I may miss the most! When I say that I have lived in SLC my whole life, you need to understand that I have LIVED here. There is not one inch of this valley (and beyond) that I have not explored.

  • Silva - Somehow we always find a way back into each others lives. I believe that we will stay in touch to the end and I also believe that my end will come first. You have always been a little more sensible than me!

  • I will truly miss being able to go to the cemetery when I need you Dad. We will have a new place.... I promise to find something you like.
  • Margo - I know, I know... Cut the apron strings already!

  • And finally.... I will miss people asking me if I am a Mormon when I tell them where I live. It's actually a great conversation starter.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

In the land of Zion...

As I sit on my bed, which by the way is in the middle of the living room / dining room / kitchen, and look around at all of my packed up boxes and totes I realize that this may not be as easy as I thought. I know that the end of something means the beginning of something else but the beginning of something also means the end of something. You get my drift?? Moving from this city that makes me crazy and gives me a sick feeling inside will be like getting that annoying mole removed that you have had since birth. You couldn't be more happy to have it gone from your life but you will always have the memory of what was once a part of you. How bittersweet life is.