JB's Deep Thoughts...

Ok, maybe they are not so deep but they are mine.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Which way to Kenui Street?

When a group of six girls go on vacation one of the goals is to meet people, and I'm not talking about "hook up's" - I just mean, meet people. Well, we succeeded on our trip to Maui and I have to say, we met the best group of people you could ever meet!
It goes like this... Amy and I had just downed our 7th or 8th mai tai at the Luau and decided that the whole thing was a little cheesy for our taste - we said to our server "what do the locals do? Because that is what we want to do." Well, we didn't expect that an hour later we would be dropped off by Joe - our driver, in a shopping center parking lot, and picked up by a group of Hawaiian guys, that for the next 7 days would continue to show us what the locals really do!

Mahalo! To all the boys! Thanks Jonathan for being the ring leader and getting everyone else rounded up for the events. As much as we tried to live your laid back lifestyle, we still have that mainland hustle in us and needed some sort of time frame - so glad that YOU understood that. We wont forget the bon fire and your singing while playing the ukulele - how much more "local" can you get?? The "Sounds of Jah" still run through our minds. ET and Kenui - I should probably let Jen and Deanna thank both of you! And who could forget Kewika, or "sexy back..." I can't remember the last time one person made us laugh so hard! (ok - Deanna could give you a run for the money with the naked tumble down the mountain and the big ass bruises everywhere). Thanks for trying to organize once Jonathan left... I know it wasn't the same but maybe a little less "wake and bake" and you would have been more successful! And to all the others that I can't remember your names.... Yellow hair kid, kid that just smiled all the time, hot guy with girlfriend.... Mahalo to you too! We would have never explored and found the cliffs without you and next time - Amy won't be the only girl to jump!

There is something about your hospitality and your lifestyle that we will never forget... and be ready because - we will be back for more!!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Is that a hat, or a coaster?

Today someone said something to me that really made me think... My boss, who I love, and who is leaving the company for a better opportunity, said "I will watch for you on T.V. - you know, on one of those reality shows that I never watch but hear about." Ok - now this is not a new concept... Debbie, or DSMM if you have read all of my blogs, has told me multiple times that she would like me to wear a JB Cam (you know, a camera attached to my head in some way, possibly by a hat - hopefully one of those hats that also have a space to put a beer with a straw that leads right down to my mouth) so that she could feel as though she was participating in my life and the crazy stuff that I encounter. So anyway - I started thinking about it and why not?? I have seen these shows, you know the ones that I am talking about, and let me tell you something.... These shows have nothing on my life.

I haven't got into much detail about Maui... yet, not because I have forgotten about it or put it in the back of my mind, but because I can't stop thinking about it and there are so many things that I want to write about that I can't pick just one. All I know is that if I would have had the JB Cam invented prior to going to Maui with the girls, I could just post a link here to the video and you would all see that it's true... I should have my own show! Not to mention, it would have been nice to have one of those hats to hold my beer!

Monday, October 22, 2007

...with a little help from my friends!

Thanks to Margo and Maren.... Seems like a weird combination, I know... I am sure Em knows exactly what I am talking about, the rest of you - you could probably take a guess but I bet you will end up a bit off the mark. Let's start with Margo; thanks for giving me a little "somhun somhun" for those really down days. Lord knows I needed it! Ok - maybe not so much the night Emily and I were laying on my bed in the middle of my living / dining room (read previous blogs if you don't know this story) but there were legitimate times I was in need! In any case if it wasn't for the pick-me-up from Margo and some Malibu Rum mixed with Juicy Juice Mango (100% juice; nothing but the best) then Emily and I would not have been feeling nostalgic and surfing MySpace reading about Hog and Maren - yep, here comes the clue into Maren's piece of this puzzle - Maren just so happened to be in Oahu going to school. This particular day she had "run into" Jack Johnson at the pool and decided to post the picture. Emily and I, feeling... well, not feeling much at all, decided that we also deserved to be in paradise! Needless to say - we sent three text messages - to which all three of you replied immediately and one of you even followed up with the phone call to say "Fuck Ya!" Flights were booked that night and the rest is history. So, once again... thanks Margo and Maren!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

I want my MTV...

It's straight from cable... What happens when you take 6 strangers, put them in a house away from everything they know, add a beach, some maui waui, the locals, some alcohol.... Ok, A LOT of alcohol, and what do you get? Yep, The Real World Maui! Or as we 6 like to call it... One "effin'" good time! Stay tuned to see what happens when people stop being polite, and start being real...

Monday, October 15, 2007

What are you waiting for??

I realized that it has been almost 3 months since I last wrote.... HOLY CRAP! Not that nothing has happened, it is quite opposite of that actually. I made the move to Phoenix (Tempe to be exact), I helped Skippy make the move, I have traveled for work, I have traveled for play, I have laughed, I have cried.... Most of all, I think - and think and think. Nothing changes when you think. I have decided, thanks to the best vacation ever and the BEST gf's ever, that I will no longer sit and think - I will do, and I will be!