Time to make the donuts....
Today, for many reasons, I appreciate my job. Not just the fact that I have a job but I appreciate MY actual job. I don't know if I would feel this sense of appreciation if it weren't for the space I sit to do my job. Just a little background... I am what is considered a "remote" employee. This means that I can do my job from anywhere including home. If you have ever worked at home for an extended period of time either you will agree with me or you are a recluse! Working from home sucks! You never get to wear your cute clothes and shoes, you don't meet new people, ever! You end up working from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm because you "are there" and sometimes you don't even shower... for days! It's horrible. So instead of working from home I rent space in a building owned by the company I work for (who shall not be named). This particular building is an operations site - meaning, nobody in this building has a job even remotely close in nature to mine. These people are basically work horses. And what makes it worse is they are contractors. So, not only do they not care about the company that I work for, the company that I work for does not really care about them. This is obvious to me in so many ways! Here are some of the little things that make me grateful for my job... I don't have a boss that talks to me in a group setting every day at the start of my shift like I am a part of a kindergarten class. I have the flexibility to leave my desk when I want for however long I want to be gone. I do not have scheduled lunches and nobody is watching the clock while I am gone. I don't have a boss watching over my shoulder to see if I am on the Internet (obviously or I wouldn't be writing this!). I don't have to choose between two shifts, 5:30 am to 2:30 pm or 2:30 pm to 11:30 pm. I don't have to share my desk, chair or supplies with anyone. And, I am not required to work overtime on Saturday's and Sunday's.
I know, I know... In a market like the one we are in, we should all be grateful to have any job - I am not saying I wouldn't be grateful to have that job if it were my only option. I am just REAL happy that it is not.
So let's talk about these people who work these jobs. I believe they are bred differently from me and most of the people I know. And not only do I work with 300 of them, they change shifts mid day so I get to work with 600 of them! I am not sure of the amount of stress it causes to do their job but I am assuming it is more stress than my current job because they all SMOKE. And yes, this means they all COUGH. That's lovely to listen to all day. Thank god for my iPod. Also, it is as if they don't realize that I have been here longer than any of them, I am a permanent employee and that my job is an important one, otherwise they wouldn't "huddle" outside of my cubicle while I am trying to lead a conference call!
So while I sit here watching the time slowly pass, waiting for a reasonable time to leave to come, I can honestly say that I am lucky for the job I have.
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