Which way to Kenui Street?
Ok, maybe they are not so deep but they are mine.
Today someone said something to me that really made me think... My boss, who I love, and who is leaving the company for a better opportunity, said "I will watch for you on T.V. - you know, on one of those reality shows that I never watch but hear about." Ok - now this is not a new concept... Debbie, or DSMM if you have read all of my blogs, has told me multiple times that she would like me to wear a JB Cam (you know, a camera attached to my head in some way, possibly by a hat - hopefully one of those hats that also have a space to put a beer with a straw that leads right down to my mouth) so that she could feel as though she was participating in my life and the crazy stuff that I encounter. So anyway - I started thinking about it and why not?? I have seen these shows, you know the ones that I am talking about, and let me tell you something.... These shows have nothing on my life.
I realized that it has been almost 3 months since I last wrote.... HOLY CRAP! Not that nothing has happened, it is quite opposite of that actually. I made the move to Phoenix (Tempe to be exact), I helped Skippy make the move, I have traveled for work, I have traveled for play, I have laughed, I have cried.... Most of all, I think - and think and think. Nothing changes when you think. I have decided, thanks to the best vacation ever and the BEST gf's ever, that I will no longer sit and think - I will do, and I will be!