JB's Deep Thoughts...

Ok, maybe they are not so deep but they are mine.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Recycle, Reuse, Reduce

We hear so much about being green these days and I know that all my friends and family are doing one thing or another to reduce their own carbon footprint. Some of the more logical things are, recycling garbage - this has been made easy due to the fact that most cities now have recycling programs, some which are mandatory (like in Wisconsin - when I lived there in 1997 you HAD to recycle and if they found recyclables in your garbage you would get a fine!). Another being taking your own bags to the grocery store. We keep the bags in our cars so we don't' forget. Car pooling - this is easy for us, not so easy for others. Working from home - this saves gas and allows us a day in our PJ's without showering (yahoo!) You get my drift... But, today I discovered another way to be green and it's one of the best ways yet! Getting books from the library. Yep - you heard me right! I forgot how much I love the library. Let me give you a few reasons why:

  • There are a million books to pick from (and audio books)
  • There are a million movies to pick from
  • There are a million CD's to pick from
  • There is so much community information available
  • Internet
  • It's FREE!

I tell you, I was like a kid in a candy store today. First, I was so proud to get my new library card. I really am becoming an Arizonian (is that what they are called?) Second, I thought the lady was crazy when she told me I could check out 35 items at a time - this was before I started looking around. I was limited on time and I came home with 6 books! I didn't even have time to get to the CD's, DVD's, or audio books. Third, this really helps me save money! I have been buying a book each month for book club and I have been doing a lot of research on other things and buying books for that - well guess what??? They are all at the library!

Next thing I am going to explore is Vintage Shopping. Yep, you got it, thrift stores, consignment shops, etc... Like Kermit said "It's Not Easy Being Green" but hey, I think I will give it a try!


At November 6, 2008 at 5:44 PM , Blogger JennyWren said...

I recycle men - does that count?


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