Time to grow my wings...

Now I don't typically like to talk politics, but those of you who know me, know that I do not hide my political affiliation with the Democratic Party. If you do not know how passionate I am about this, please ask Skip - he can attest to my passion. I must also explain that although my Grandfather was a devout Democrat, my dedication to this party has nothing to do with family, religion, or any other obligation. I support the Democratic Party purely because it is the best match for me, my views on so many issues, and my lifestyle. This is a decision I have made for myself. With all of that being said - I can not be happier about the results of the Presidential Election tonight and I will end my evening by praying for peace in the upcoming Presidential Term so that our new President can do the job that we have elected him to do. I urge you to do the same.
Now, you may not see the connection between the election results and this next paragraph but give me time...
I have been sick for a while, very sick, and I am currently on medical leave from work and will be for another month or so. And similar to politics, I don't really like to talk about it. And, to those of you who actually read this blog and know that I have been sick but only know the small amount of details I have given you, thank you for respecting my privacy and while you are praying for peace for out country tonight - slip a little one in there for me and my own inner peace! Thanks for that.
So, here is the connection. Like the country and the state of turmoil we are in, so am I in turmoil. I have literally been in a period of "waiting for things to get better." For my country and for
myself. I truly am not a patient person. For fucks sake - I hate to shop online because it takes so damn long to show up on my doorstep. But to get those things that we truly want, we must wait. In the words of Sue Monk Kidd, "we must cocoon." For so long we have been that caterpillar, climbing, crawling, struggling, and now we must wait and prepare for this new stage. So that is what I have done. I have spun my chrysalis and I am in a stage of waiting. And I will wait, patiently, for I know that soon I will break through, and fly.

Today, as I took Skip outside to show him how many lemons were actually ripe on the lemon tree the most beautiful monarch butterfly flew over our heads. Now you might not see the beauty in this, but this particular butterfly was flying somewhat unsteady, as if it were it's first flight. And to confirm this theory, part of the crysalisis was still hanging from the butterfly in flight. At this sight I knew, in my heart that there was change to look forward to. I also knew that I am not ready to leave my cocoon, so i rejoiced in the fact that the change that was about to happen would benefit so many others.
So as I wait for the next 77 days to pass so we can get President Bush the HELL out of the White House (his first four years could compare to that catterpilar stage where we worked so hard for nothing, the final four years our waiting period, knowing that ANY change would be better) and welcome President Obama with open arms, I will also be waiting... Waiting to emerge from the cocoon that I spun after a long hard trip as a catterpilar, into that beautiful butterfly, with a new sense of hope, with a healthy diagnosis, and a new outlook on life. 

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