JB's Deep Thoughts...

Ok, maybe they are not so deep but they are mine.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008


I'm not sure that I have enough faith or trust in myself when making life decisions. Perhaps I rely on others to make the difficult decisions for me.

Does your mind, whether it be conscious or subconscious bring to light those things that you typically don't think about but maybe should? You know how at some point something that you rarely thought about before comes to the surface and then there are a million signs that come to you through things such as songs, movies, television shows, commercials, etc... that make you aware of that one thing. Are these signs and how do you know what these signs are really telling you to do? And when you figure that out, do you follow what you think they are telling you to do? At what point is a sign really a sign and at what point is it purely coincidence?

When you need answers to questions, who do you ask? Do you pray to a divine power and if you are saying "yes" - isn't the divine really just a part of your subconscious mind which brought this about in the first place?

Did I just answer my own questions?


At January 9, 2009 at 11:06 PM , Blogger JennyWren said...

Ever prayer I have asked has been answers. Most not in ways that I didn't recognize when they were being answers but as I ease into accepting things, it becomes more clear.
This one definately goes in the book when you write it....


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