Christmas Letters
You know how everyone sends out those letters at Christmas that tells you all about their family and what has happened over the year? Well, when you don't have kids and aren't technically married you miss out on the fun of creating these family newsletters. I think if Skip and I created one of those and sent it out it would look something like this:
Well it's been one of those busy years again in the Burbank / Robinson household. Skip and I are both still working for Wells Fargo, Skip is going on 10 years and I am touching 15 - can you believe that? Skip has worked his way up to Program Manager and is the senior team member in our department. I am so proud of him. We both feel very blessed to have our jobs in the Mortgage division with all of the struggles this industry felt this year.
We are all enjoying our new home. Lucy and Joey love the huge back yard and I especially love the lemon, orange, grapefruit, olive trees and the garden. We have been able to make so many treats just by visiting the back yard! The pool and hot tub are an added bonus to the house and Skip is just crazy about the 5 car garage (like we needed that with only three cars)!
Joey turned 10 this October and she is still just as feisty as she was when we got her. I tell you, if you don't have her cheese laid out for her and her water filled up to the brim in her coffee mug she will let you know that she is not happy! Meow, meow, meow! She is so mouthy sometimes (like her Father :)) but we love her just the same.
Our baby Lucy turned 1 in August and we had a party for her. All of her cousins and friends came and brought her gifts; what a blast! She is in school at Camp Bow Wow and she goes three times a week and loves it! She has made a lot of friends at the park also - she is such a social butterfly (like her Mother). She loves playing with her big sister although Joey isn't always happy to have her sister tagging along after her! For the most part they get along well and you can tell they love each other very much.
That's a wrap for 2008, we hope this year brought you and yours as much love, laughter and happiness as it did us and we wish for you an amazing 2009!
Love from our house to yours!
Skip, Janeal, Joey and Lucy
Yep, I think people would finally realize how completely insane we are!!
Just one of the many reasons I love you darling.
WTF - that is not insane, that is beautiful, perfect, better than any I have gotten this year so far.
How darn you NOT share it. The picture of the kids all nessled is the hit of my card wall though - just so you know.
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