Simplify What?
Yeah - I know! Insane. But.... Here she is, "Baby Lucy!" We got her on October 30, and she was a nine pound 8 week old Bullmastiff mix. I SWEAR I was not looking for a dog, although I believe that everyone should have a pet, I was not looking for a dog. I have Joey Bag O' Donuts and lord knows she was not interested in any other additions to our family. But... There she was, on Craigslist - this tiny little fragile soul, in need of a good home. We had to do it! So, two phone calls, one trip to the ATM, a short drive to Mesa and a stop at PetSmart and there you have it - Welcome to your new home Lucy (or Lucy-fer.... read on to find out more).
Anyone who says that owning a dog is easy must be on crack - because it is anything but! For instance, did you know that you can only keep a dog in it's crate for one hour per each month old. This means, that when we got Lucy, at 8 weeks, or two months (you do the math) she could stay in her crate for two hours at a time. Great! So much for our 8 hour a day (at least) jobs! And, then there is the Vet - Lucy has been to the doctor more since we have had her then I have in the last seven years! There are training classes and now.... get ready... Day Care! Yep, you guessed it. Doggy Day Care! You know, you have to socialize your dogs!
Anyway, it's all worth it. Even the scars on my feet and ankles (hence the name Lucy-fer) and the little bite marks on shoes, table legs, arm chairs, etc... The constant cleaning of pee, the tormenting of the cat (JBD is NOT happy about this dog) the vet bills, the PetSmart bills (buy stock people, it's going up!) all of it.
So although my life is certainly not more simple, it is more full. Full of love - I mean, who doesn't have room for the love that a now 4 month old, 30 pound puppy can give?

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I like Lucy Goosy better, after all you ARE her mother. HE HE HE
dogpile on Lucy
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