Watch your step!

Now that my time in Downtown Salt Lake City is coming to an end, I think back to all the crazy shit I have seen on the streets. I'm not talking about your typical homeless person, hookers or drunk frat boys leaving the bars, I am talking about downright crazy shit. Like tonight... Big chicken bone right on the sidewalk outside the gate to my condo. Now, I am all about a little KFC every once in a while but who eats chicken while walking down the streets of downtown and then just discard of the bone by tossing it on the ground like it's an empty sunflower shell?? Who does that? And it's not just garbage either - there are some crazy people. The other night while headed to "Fred Smith's" (long story for another blog) we saw a man... in a suit, with a bow tie and carrying a briefcase, riding a unicycle! Now that was just weird. But, the most insane thing to date was the human turd! Yes, there was a human turd on the sidewalk for months. And this turd would just get smaller and smaller as a result of the elements - not because it was kicked around or stepped on because fortunately it was right up against a building... How considerate of the person who was shitting on the sidewalks of downtown!
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